You can find LUT Chemical Engineering Students -group from Facebook – to stay in touch with other chemical engineering students and to inform about guild’s news and upcoming events!
What is a guild?
Guilds (or student organisation how they are also called) are organisations formed by students of different study fields, for example chemical engineering. Guilds are independent organisations, so they don’t belong either to the student union or administration of the university, but they work closely with both. Guilds provide different services to their members depending of the guild, but generally they contain the guild room, organising events for the members, representing students of that particular study field in academic and non-academic events and presenting students’ view in university’s administration meetings regarding studies.
Guilds are registered (non-profit) organisations. That means that they need to have at least two general meetings in year, make zero balance budgets to fund themselves, and choose at least minimum amount of board members etc. as demanded in the Finnish law regarding organisations. Guilds usually fund themselves by selling advertisement spots from overalls to companies, organising events or by joining/membership fees. Membership of guilds last usually through your studies and after graduating you become an “old member”. Each guild also has its own colour too, which can be seen on the overalls of the guild’s members and also in other things related to the guild.
In Lappeenranta and in Finland overall guilds are a big part of student life, because they are the ones who organise events and represent students. For Finnish students becoming a member of the guild is almost a must-to-do. That’s why we happily want to welcome also foreign student’s to join the guild.
Kemiantekniikan kilta (KeTeK) – “Guild of Chemical Engineering”
Like name says, KeTeK is the guild for students of chemical engineering. The guild was founded in 1976, so it is 4th oldest of the LUT based guilds and reaching mature age of 40 this year. It has currently approximately 120 members (current students) and lots of old members from alumni of the university. Practically all the students that start studying chemical engineering at LUT in bachelor’s degree join the guild, and we are working to reach same levels with master’s students.
The guild room of KeTeK is currently located in the second floor of the second phase of LUT (room number 2211). That is the place where our members come to hang out between their lectures etc, to drink coffee and just to pass time and socialize. At the guild room we also have some magazines to read, and also announcement board where some information on different upcoming events and such is given.
The guild is run by the guild board. It is made of the guild chairman and eight members of the board, assigned to different responsibilities. Because the guild board can’t manage alone with all the important matters related to the guild, we have also varying number of different in-charges who have different roles like the board members. Also all the active and willing guild members are needed in organising different events and projects.
KeTeK as a guild organises training of the new chemical engineering freshmen each academic year, so that the new students learn to be proper students. The guild also organises excursions to companies related to field of chemical engineering, sitz parties, sauna evenings and few parties each year. We also take part of the guild Olympics as a team each year where different guilds compete in certain sports every year.
“Image is nothing, chemistry is everything” – Guild’s words
To become a member, you have to fill the application form above and put it in the red box in the guild room. The application fee is 20 € and it lasts forever.
How stay in touch?
This year’s international officers are Joni Perholehto and Antti Kaukiainen. Guild’s international officers can be reached via email or
KeTeK has its own email-list for everyone studying chemical engineering. Via this email-list the guild is able to inform you about upcoming events, what LUT has to inform and everything else you as a student should know. This DOESN’T REQUIRE BECOMING A MEMBER and we highly recommend it if you want to know what’s happening during the school year.
-Start a new email
-SUBJECT (please notice, write only this): sub ketek.guild
-MESSAGE: (empty, nothing at all)
-You’ll receive a confirmation message
-Do what is said in the message
-You’ll receive a real confirmation message
-All good, you’re good to go!
KeTeK is also in social media, you can find us in Facebook as a page and as a group and in Instagram @ketekry! The Facebook page creates all the events that the guild is organising, so go ahead and like it! 🙂